


GiftMeThat logo


Find the perfect gift with GiftMeThat's AI-powered search and expertly curated handpicked gifts. Our 300B+ possible filter combinations make personalized, thoughtful, and effortless gifting a reality. GiftMeThat is the ultimate platform for personalized, thoughtful, and effortless gift shopping. ...

Givenly logo


Givenly helps enterprise organizations streamline, centralize, and automate their gifting and corporate swag programs. Our specialty is creating, building, and sending custom employee and client swag packs at scale for any company. Schedule hundreds of gifts in seconds from a nationwide network of v...

Boon & Bliss logo

Boon & Bliss

Did you know that 2 out of 5 people lie about liking a gift? Actually, most people would like to receive cash, but very few like to give it to others. It’s hard to pick the perfect gift for a friend, family member, or colleague. It should be both surprising and personal and match the budget you ...

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