

#B2B SaaS

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B2B SaaS Reviews

B2B SaaS Reviews is a startup designed to help B2B SaaS professionals learn more about today's buying journey and how to get more out of user reviews. Our vision is to help get user reviews into every B2B SaaS purchase. Our mission is to create a trusted source of information that complements ...

Reditus logo


Reditus is a partner management tool for B2B SaaS businesses. It offers a marketplace that allows you to grow a new revenue channel outside your own network and without the use of a marketing budget. It will help you to manage and motivate partners with the goal of helping you to grow your partn...

AddAlign logo


AddAlign is a SaaS platform that offers white-label teleconferencing, scheduling, and billing for businesses. It instantly enables experts to register their profiles on any website and connect with users seeking advice. Users and experts use +Align teleconferencing tools to connect via video, phone ...

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