

#Service Providers

Fixando logo


We make it easy to hire local services. Fixando is an online platform providing the best professionals for all services! Tell us what you need, and we'll send you up to 5 professional proposals within 48 hours. At Fixando, we help our users to carry out their projects, whether it is hiring an...

Virtalent logo


Virtalent is an award-winning virtual assistant service provider. Our expert team carefully matches each of our virtual assistants to our small business clients, based on their needs. Virtalent's VAs provide a high level of business support from PA and diary management, to marketing and social me...

GiveAwae logo


Giveawae is a unique multivendor online marketplace for users to sell or buy new and used products, as well as hire services. A powerful e-commerce platform Integrated with a complete marketplace solution that allows users to purchase both products and services conveniently from one place. Providing...

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