

#customer satisfaction

Pretectum logo


Almost every organization depends on customer data to provide goods or services. For organizations to have the best possible relationship with those customers, they need to have the best possible customer data to derive meaningful customer intelligence and create seamless and friction-free personali...

Editorify logo


The biggest reason why online reviews are important to businesses is that ultimately they increase sales by giving consumers the information they need to make the decision to purchase a product and create FOMO to increase social proof. Editorify is a must-have app for store owners who are running...

DooPage logo


DooPage is a software company based in Vietnam that provides a smart new generation messenger-based omnichannel CRM solution which helps unify, centralize and simplify daily operations of businesses in managing customer conversation channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Shopee, Zalo, Web Live Chat a...

Pollymetrix logo


Online survey, issue track and analysis for businesses (small and big) to collect and analyze customer insight, track and resolve issues and increase customer satisfaction. Request your beta access on www.pollymetrix.com or contact support@pollymetrix.com...

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