

#Customer Onboarding

Pretectum logo


Almost every organization depends on customer data to provide goods or services. For organizations to have the best possible relationship with those customers, they need to have the best possible customer data to derive meaningful customer intelligence and create seamless and friction-free personali...

Instnt logo


We get it, the fraud and friction that happens when businesses need to onboard new good online customers is rough, confusing, and a total headache. That’s why we created Instnt, a managed online customer onboarding service that drives top-line revenue growth and reduces bottom-line costs with a reli...

Usetiful logo


Usetiful is a Digital Adoption Platform focused on user onboarding, feature adoption, and customer self-service. It is flexible and powerful while remaining simple and affordable.   With Usetiful you can build product tours, checklists, and tooltips, all without coding!. Usetiful offers a free-...

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