Inclusive, Pragmatic, Humanized, Live and Virtual Agile Business Solutions
AgileDad has been recognized worldwide for its Inclusive, Pragmatic, Humanized, Psychology based approach used to help organizations achieve true business agility. What the book advises is no longer enough to help Agile teams and leaders get the proven tools they need to establish and scale their business in what many are calling the new normal.
As more organizations embrace remote workforces and strive to learn new and improved ways to collaborate and get work done, it is critical that teams and leaders get the right training, certification, coaching, and leadership guidance to help them be successful. We are AgileDad and we provide these solutions!
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109 Ambersweet Way, Davenport, FL 33897, USA
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Founder & President at AgileDad : V. Lee Henson
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Contact Person: V. Lee Henson, Founder & President at AgileDad
109 Ambersweet Way, Davenport, FL 33897, USA
United States
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Month-on-Month Page Visits (2025)
Spread Great Ideas
Spread Great Ideas is an amalgamation of sorts: Part podcasts and part writings, at first glance it’s likely seen as one of those Frankenstein endeavors potentially beloved only by its creator. Look closer, and you’ll see that there’s a unifying ethos to the brand: “To explore ideas in order to u...
Startups/firms in United States
LettrLabs is a marketing company that helps organizations scale their business and retain clients through the power of handwritten letters. We've developed our own robotics to create handwritten mail using a real pen. The result is an authentic note that will wow your clients and grab the attention ...
Startups/firms in United States
ViaJobs is dedicated to connecting job seekers with opportunities across more than 30 countries worldwide. Our vision is to empower individuals to pursue fulfilling careers by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that bridges the gap between talent and global employment opportunities...
Startups/firms in Hong Kong
A perfect and free alternative to major freelance platforms. Its standout feature? Complete fee-free usage. Unlike platforms that deduct from your earnings, Jobatto lets you keep 100% of your income, with no client fees. Jobatto's core mission is to facilitate direct connectivity between freelanc...
Startups/firms in United States
Founded in 2015, Helpware is a company taking a modern approach to the outsourcing industry. We created the company to change perceptions of what outsourcing is and can be, and we did that by building amazing cultures in each of our locations, and by simply treating our employees better. With Helpwa...
Startups/firms in United Kingdom
Climate Jobs List
Climate Jobs List helps ClimateTech companies attract the best mission-driven talent on their quest to tackle the urgent climate and global emissions challenge. Discover over 1,000+ open roles in Climate and ClimateTech on the #1 site and the web's biggest list of Climate and ClimateTech Careers....
Startups/firms in United Kingdom
BlueRose Packaging
We're the #1 HT Wood Crate and Custom Box MFG and direct distributor in So. California. Our best-in-class team and operation deliver the very best in quality and 2nd to none in World Class Service. Malcolm Baldridge Award has always been our bar to exceed in service and quality. Custom corrugated...
Startups/firms in United States
Tell the world about your experience to help others make the right buying decision. We publish authentic reviews to ensure everyone can access valuable information about companies worldwide. Thanks to our consolidated efforts, the TrustBurn platform helps millions of consumers worldwide to bet on...
Startups/firms in Ukraine
Boat Planet
Boat Planet is an online community of passionate boaters and expert service providers. We're here to connect businesses with new customers and help boat owners find everything they need to enjoy their time on the water. Get inspired and collaborate with professionals who care about boating as mu...
Startups/firms in United States
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